Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Arrivals......

A few weeks back Ruth and I noticed a couple of pigeons frequenting our flowerbox on our balcony. We started to notice bits of grass and leaves appearing in what looked like to be a nest. Maybe we should have nipped it in the bud there and then, but we thought....Naaaaaaaa.
About a week after that, Ruth was rolling up the lounge blinds when 'lo and behold she spied two wee eggs........ Around 21 days later, out popped these two wee tender morsels...... Here, they are about a week old.
About 2 weeks old....
Here they are at about 4 weeks old. Man, you should hear them scream when Mum & Dad come home with the food! It is quite interesting to watch them being fed. The parents regurgitate the food right into the little buggers.. Yum...
Soon they will be leaving the nest.

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