Monday, June 1, 2009

Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve


A few weeks have passed since the last blog, so I thought it about time to throw up another. Ruth and I recently went hiking one Sunday at the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, around 45mins south east of Johannesburg.

This 11595ha reserve used to be one of my favourites when I lived here before. It used to be teeming with buck, zebra and baboons, but this time around we only saw a few buck.
It was a beautiful Highveld autumns day when we set off on the hike. We ended up getting a bit lost, but it turned out that the track we followed was actually the better option in regards to isolation and views. There are a couple of short walks (4.5km and 10km tracks), but these can be very busy on a Sunday afternoon.
We did bump into another group of 4 at one of the huts, so we decided to stop for some lunch with them. Out came the trail snacks, bananas, apples, dried fruit and nuts. 2 people of the other group seemed like they were taking the other 2 on a day tour as they were sitting there with expensive cheese, buscuits and wine. They were even drinking from silver goblets! Who says hiking has to be tough........

Ruth and I then packed up our megre rations and put our feet on the trail again. We were both getting a bit tired by then, so we decided to stay on the road for a while. There are approximately 60km of roads through the reserve, so you can take a leisurely drive around the reserve.
On the way back, we did a bit of bush bashing to get back to the visitors centre and carpark. It was just as well we did as we managed to spot some a couple of Eland buck which is the photograph on the top right.

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