Friday, May 15, 2009

First Blog.....

Seeing as it has now been a week since landing at O.R. Tambo airport on the outskirts of Johannesburg, I thought it was about time that I put up our first blog.......

Man, oh man......feels a bit like we have been put through a hurricane these last few weeks. Been quite an emotional rollercoaster to say the least.

Packing up and leaving Sydney was a crazy time especially since I normally leave everything to the last minute. But eventually we packed up, leased our apartment out and headed off to Bill and Melinda's place to celebrate Carys, our God-Daughters 5th Birthday.

There were a few tears on leaving the next day as my best mate Malcolm, graciously picked us up and drove us to the airport, just to make sure we leave :-)

After a pretty uneventful 13.5 hour flight, we touched down in Johannnesburg during a famous 'Highveld Storm'. I have been telling Ruth for years about how magnificent these storms can be. Incidentally we had another on the 9th May on the morning Jacob Zuma was being inaugurated, which I attributed to God's anger????

Our first night was spent at the Airport City Lodge as we didn't really want to head up to Pretoria to Hennlie, my sister-in-law's place seeing as I had an interview with UCS the next morning in Johannesburg.

Interview went well and I was told that 'they' would contact me on Monday the 11th. This did not happen until today, being Friday the 15th, so we couldn't really do much in the way of finding a place to lease until I knew that I had a job...... Anyway, I did get the call today and I have to go into the office next week Tuesday to sign papers etc..... Sooooooooo, at least we can relax a bit now I know I have a job......

We are staying in Pretoria at Hennlie's place for the weekend although we are heading off to Joburg tomorrow morning to view some prospective places of abode.

My brother Simon and nephew Stephen arrive on Monday from the UK, so we will be playing 'One big Happy Family' again. We are all gearing up for the event which I am sure will leave a few livers bleeding.....

Ruth and I spent 3 days and nights with Melinda's cousin Jo, whom I worked with at the World Food Programme in Rome for 7 months, waaaaay back in 2001. Jo has a penchant for Champagne which we quaffed copious amounts during our stay. I was glad he was the one who had to head off to work the next day and the next and.......the next......

Jo is an absolute gentleman who many of us could learn some decent manners and social etiquette. He was the perfect host and made us feel more than welcome in his wonderful home. Great place to unwind for a few days......

Nice to spend some quality time with my niece Tanya too. She is 'All grown up now......' with a effervescent personality and the looks to match....

We have been taking the dogs for morning walks whilst we have been at Hennlie's. Man, these two Cocker Spaniels are nuts...... Taking them for a walk is like trying to juggle water...they are all over the place. We were hoping to 'break' them after a few days, but so far this hasn't happened as of writing... I was thinking of tying a couple of bricks to their backs just to slow them down.....

Ruth has just popped out for a facial which she has been dying for since we got here, so I expect to see a radiant beauty in an hour or so. The air is very dry here and plays havoc with our sinuses (or is that Sini?) Anyway, when we wake up, it feels like someone has poured half a box of Cornflakes up our nostrils if you can visualise that one......... Probably have to go out and purchase yet another humidifier.

Ruth had her first taste of African 'Burocrazy' today as we had to go to the Department of Home Affairs to get the ball rolling for her temporary residence permit. Looks like this is going to be fun and games.

Anyway, weekend is here and I will fill you all in with the happenings over the weekend on Monday. Cheers for now. David.

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick good luck for your first day of work …

    Hope all works out well and they don’t work you to the bone

    Hi to Ruth
